Youth Enrichment Scholarships Youth Enrichment Scholarships Empowering Youth Through Enriching ExperiencesDo you need help with the cost of your kids’ activities? Youth Enrichment Scholarships (YES) are available year-round with more than 30 youth teams, classes and camps in Teton County, Wyoming. There is one simple application per child in your household for the year, and a sliding fee scale splits costs between the program, the YES fund and you. Major funding from the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole ensures that YES is available broadly – to low, moderate and middle income households. EXTRACURRICULARSUMMER CAMPS Summer 2024 Camp GuideOne22 collaborates with many youth serving organizations and is a member of Systems of Education. Together, we have created a Summer Camp & Program Guide for families to discover enriching youth opportunities in Teton County, Wyoming and neighboring counties in Wyoming and Idaho. Please click the button below to open the guide. EXPLORE THE GUIDE (English)EXPLORE THE GUIDE (Spanish) Youth Enrichment Scholarship PartnersPARTNERSFALLWINTER SPRINGSUMMER CLASSESSUMMER CAMPSArt Association of Jackson HoleAxis Gymnastics (Axis Booster Club)Dancers’ WorkshopGAP! Girls Actively ParticipatingJackson Elite VolleyballJackson Grizzlies SoftballJackson Hole Children’s MuseumHistory Jackson HoleJackson Hole IndoorJackson Hole Kayak ClubJackson Hole LacrosseJackson Hole Ski & Snowboard ClubJackson Hole Youth SoccerJackson Hole Stingrays Swim TeamJackson Youth HockeyMountain Bike the TetonsMusicLandOff Square Theatre CompanySkating Club of Jackson HoleSlow Food in the Tetons Snake River SoccerTaekwondo with John KidwellTeton County/Jackson Parks & RecreationTeton Music SchoolTeton Science SchoolsWilderness Adventures Base CampNote: Registration deadlines vary. Please contact the organizations directly for their specific registration and season timelines. To learn more about these programs and to apply, follow the links below EXTRACURRICULARSUMMER CAMPS We are grateful to our collaborators in these programs Coombs Outdoors Hole Food Rescue Pura Vida (Grand Teton National Park and Grand Teton National Park Foundation) Teton Literacy Center Teton Youth & Family Services Voices Jackson Hole Are you interested in joining YES as a partner or collaborator? Please email us with the subject line “YES partner interest.” We invite new programs to reach out! The help I needed…“Support from the YES program helps our family feel like we are a part of the community and for my husband and I to continue working. We look forward to the day that we can give back.” – Stacy VIEW ALL STORIES OF RELIEF Other Services from One22FINANCIAL ASSISTANCELANGUAGE ACCESSFOOD ASSISTANCEFINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT