Financial Assistance Financial Assistance How We HelpAt One22 we know that the high cost of living can make meeting one’s basic needs difficult, or even impossible, during times of hardship. Our Financial Assistance programs can help with the costs of housing and emergency needs to build a buffer of time and support for planning and decision making. Please note: to be considered for Rent Assistance a complete application (which includes an online application, in-person meeting with a Client Services Coordinator and all requested documents) must be submitted by the monthly deadline. First/Last/Deposit and Emergency Assistance applications will continue to be considered on a rolling basis. RENT ASSISTANCEFIRST/LAST/DEPOSITEMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Rent AssistanceIf you’re facing difficulties paying your rent, our Rent Assistance program may be able to assist you. Our Client Services team partners with you to provide personalized budgeting guidance and connections to additional resources. We may also provide a financial bridge so you are within reach of self-reliance. Our goal is to help you address a short-term, temporary gap to maintain secure housing while working toward greater financial stability. Please note: to be considered for Rent Assistance a complete application (which includes an online application, in-person meeting with a Client Services Coordinator and all requested documents) must be submitted by the monthly deadline. Learn More First/Last/DepositIf you are in an unsafe or unstable rental housing situation and have an immediate opportunity to improve it, our First/Last/Deposit program may be able to assist you with some of the upfront costs. Our goal is to help low- to moderate-income renters take advantage of financially healthier, safer or more secure rental opportunities when folks can find a rental with: A lower percentage of cost to income ratio A signed lease document Space suitable as a residence We know these opportunities are rare — our program is designed for short notice. Call us at (307) 739-4500 to learn more. Learn More Emergency AssistanceIf you are facing a sudden, unexpected need that directly impacts your ability to meet the essential needs of you or your family, One22 can help with client service support and resource coordination, as well as one-time emergency financial assistance. We accept requests on a rolling basis for emergency assistance. Given the time-sensitive nature of the emergency, a Client Services Coordinator will be in touch within one business day upon receipt of your online application. If your situation needs attention more immediately, please call us at (307) 739-4500 or visit us directly at 180 S Willow Street in Jackson, WY, during our open hours. Learn More One22’s Financial Assistance Programs are funded in part by a grant from the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole. The help I needed…“If there’s an opportunity for someone to get into housing and One22 and help, it’s life-changing.” – Brenda VIEW ALL STORIES OF RELIEF Other Services from One22FOOD ASSISTANCELANGUAGE ACCESSYOUTH ENRICHMENT SCHOLARSHIPSFINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT